See our process in action:

Our consultation process begins with a visit to one of our experienced custom design staff. We’ll sit down with you, discover what you have in mind and any ideas you may have about your piece and then work with you to nail down the specifics of your vision. Much of this step involves comparing features and styles of other jewelry, whether it’s pieces in the store or pictures off the internet, we can accommodate any ideas or styles you come up with.
During the Design phase we piece together all the ideas and styles you’ve seen and selected into what will be the final product. We use a suite of ever-updated 3-D design software to create a three dimensional computer model which is then rendered into a computer approximation of what your final piece will look like.

Fabrication is the process where we take your ideas from paper and computer models and bring it into reality. This process involves creating a mold or model, depending on the type of jewelry being made, and then casting it into the metal of your choosing. The final product of this phase is your piece in it’s most raw state and often involves multiple pieces.
This is the point during which we take the raw sculpture of your piece and make it into a wearable piece of jewelry. This stage involves combining all pieces, setting gemstones, adding filigree, finishing prong work and any other customization involved. This stage can be compared to a car without the paint.

The finishing stage is the culmination of all the tiny details that make up your new piece of jewelry. We clean every inch of the piece, add any hand-engraving, apply a fine polish and prepare your piece to leave the store in your hands.